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    About Course

    Our Cloud Data Engineer Course is the best option for anyone seeking to become a certified data engineer proficient in cloud computing. This course is designed to provide complete training in cloud data engineering, ensuring that participants gain essential skills and expertise to excel in this rapidly growing field. Through theoretical knowledge and hands-on practical exercises, students learn to design, implement, and manage data pipelines in cloud environments, with a specific focus on platforms like AWS. Our certified data engineer course covers all aspects of cloud data engineering, including data storage, processing, and analysis techniques. By completing our Aws Data Engineering Course, individuals will enhance their understanding of cloud technologies and acquire the necessary certification to validate their expertise as cloud data engineers. Join our Cloud Data Engineer Course today and unlock exciting career opportunities in Cloud Computing and Data Engineering.

    Benefits Of Doing A Cloud Data Engineer Course

    Explore the many benefits of joining our Best Cloud Data Engineer Course. Our Cloud Data Engineer online course, and offline course, are not only easy to access but also provide thorough insights into the ever-changing field of Cloud Data Engineer..

  • Enhanced Career Prospects: By completing our Cloud Data Engineer Course, you open doors to lucrative career opportunities in the rapidly expanding field of cloud computing and data engineering.

  • Hands-On Practical Experience: Our AWS Data Engineering Course course offers practical, real-world projects and exercises that allow you to gain valuable hands-on experience in designing and implementing data solutions in cloud environments.

  • Industry-Recognized Certification: Upon successful completion of our Certified Data Engineer course, you'll receive a certification from us, which is recognized by industry leaders, validating your expertise as a cloud data engineer.

  • Mastery of Cloud Technologies: Through our Cloud Data Engineer course, you'll master the latest cloud technologies and tools, including AWS, Google Cloud Platform, and Azure, equipping you with the skills needed to excel in modern data engineering roles.

  • Stay Ahead of the Curve: With the ever-evolving landscape of technology, staying updated is crucial. Our Cloud Data Engineer Course ensures you stay ahead of the curve by teaching you the latest trends and best practices in cloud data engineering.

  • Networking Opportunities: Joining our AWS Data Engineering course also means becoming part of a vibrant community of like-minded professionals and experts, providing you with valuable networking opportunities and the chance to collaborate on projects and initiatives in the future.

  • Flexible Learning: Our Cloud Data Engineer online course at Brillica Services lets you learn anytime, anywhere. It's perfect for fitting your studies around your job and other responsibilities. You can go at your speed and adjust your learning schedule to suit your lifestyle.

  • Join our Certified Data Engineer Course to gain the knowledge and skills required to succeed in the competitive digital world. Start your journey toward a successful career in Cloud Data Engineer with us..

    Course Curriculum

    1. LINUX Fundamentals

    Module - 1: Getting Started with Linux

  • What is Linux
  • Installing Linux (Virtual Machine or Dual boot)
  • Basic Linux Commands
  • Working with Text Editors(Nano, Vim)
  • Basic shell scripting
  • Module - 2: File System Hierarchy

  • Understanding the Linux file system
  • Directories and their purposes
  • File System Navigation Commands
  • Module - 3: Users, Groups and Permissions

  • User Accounts Management
  • Group Management
  • File and Directory Permissions
  • Changing File and Directory ownership
  • Module - 4: Processes and Services

  • Introduction to processes and services
  • Managing processes and services
  • Module - 5: Package Management

  • Understanding Package Managers (apt, wget)
  • Installing, updating and removing packages
  • Managing Repositories
  • Module - 6: Networking

  • Basics of Networking in Linux
  • Configuring Network Interfaces (ifconfig, ip)
  • DNS Configuration
  • Module - 7: System Administration

  • System Boot Process
  • Managing System Services (init, systemd)
  • System Monitoring & logging
  • Backup and Restore
  • Module - 8: Shell Scripting

  • Introduction to shell scripting
  • Writing Basic Scripts
  • Conditional Statements and loops
  • Functions and Variables
  • Module - 9: Security

  • User account Security
  • File System Security
  • Network Security
  • 2. Network Fundamentals

  • Networking Standards and the OSI Model
  • Transmission Basics and Networking Media
  • Introduction to TCP/IP Protocols
  • Topologies and Ethernet Standards
  • Network Hardware
  • Ip Addressing
  • Subnetting/CIDR
  • Network Operating Systems
  • Networking Protocols
  • 3. Core Python

  • History of Python, features,current industry standards.
  • Basic syntax, data types
  • Control flow statements like if, else if, if else.
  • Loops- For, While, nested loops
  • Control statements- continue,break, pass
  • Creating Lists, Tuples , Dictionaries
  • Inbuilt functions for Lists, Tuples , Dictionaries.
  • Creating your own functions.
  • Creating classes in python. Accessing class variables, functions using objects.
  • Inheritance in Python.
  • Self,super keyword in python.
  • Creating modules.
  • Different types of components like label , Entry, Button, scroll view, canvas etc. to be introduced.
  • Exception Handling introduction.
  • Database introduction.
  • 4. Git and GitHub

    Module - 1: Introduction

  • What is Git?
  • What is Github?
  • How Git Works?
  • Installing Git
  • Module - 2: Version Management with Git

  • Configuring Git
  • Basic Git commands: init, add, commit
  • Understanding Branches
  • Version Control
  • Understanding .gitignore
  • Module - 3: Diving deeper into Git

  • Understanding the stash
  • Rebasing
  • Resolving merge conflicts
  • Tags
  • Module - 4: Understanding GitHub

  • Creating Github account and introduction to github
  • Creating Remote Repository
  • Understanding Personal Access Token
  • Local to remote - Workflow
  • Cloning repositories
  • Understanding the upstream
  • Github pages for hosting static websites
  • Module - 5: Collaboration and Contribution

  • Understanding Github account types
  • Changing the Repository type
  • Adding collaborators to a user account
  • Exploring member repo permissions
  • Introducing Organizations
  • Introducing Teams
  • Understanding forks and pull requests
  • Creating README file in the repository
  • 5. AWS Associate

    Domain 1: Design Secure Architectures

  • Task Statement 1.1: Design secure access to AWS resources.
  • Task Statement 1.2: Design secure workloads and applications.
  • Task Statement 1.3: Determine appropriate data security controls.
  • Domain 2: Design Resilient Architectures

  • Task Statement 2.1: Design scalable and loosely coupled architectures.
  • Task Statement 2.2: Design highly available and/or fault-tolerant architectures.
  • Domain 3: Design High-Performing Architectures

  • Task Statement 3.1: Determine high-performing and/or scalable storage solutions
  • Task Statement 3.2: Design high-performing and elastic compute solutions.
  • Task Statement 3.3: Determine high-performing database solutions.
  • Task Statement 3.4: Determine high-performing and/or scalable network architectures.
  • Task Statement 3.5: Determine high-performing data ingestion and transformation solutions.
  • Domain 4: Design Cost-Optimized Architectures

  • Task Statement 4.1: Design cost-optimized storage solutions.
  • Task Statement 4.2: Design cost-optimized compute solutions.
  • Task Statement 4.3: Design cost-optimized database solutions.
  • Task Statement 4.4: Design cost-optimized network architectures
  • 6. SQL

  • Difference between DBMS and RDBMS?
  • Tables in DBMS.
  • How to create and query a tables.
  • E-R Diagram
  • Normalization Types of keys in DBMS?
  • Unique Key
  • Primary Key
  • Foreign Key
  • null
  • Introduction to constraints.
  • Select Statement in DBMS and Clauses.
  • SQL Operators & Functions.
  • Joins in DBMS?
  • Left Join
  • Right Join
  • Inner Join
  • Outer Join
  • Self Join
  • String Function in DBMS
  • View, Date and Time Function in DBMS
  • Stored Procedures In DBMS
  • Querying the Data base
  • Course Highlights

    project based training course

    Certified & Industry Experienced Trainers

    Beginner To Expert-Level Training

    Best-In-Class Training Curriculum

    Online & Offline Training Modes

    who can apply

    Who Can Apply?

    Professionals looking to transition into cloud data engineering roles.

    Graduates with a background in computer science or related fields

    IT professionals seeking to enhance their skills in cloud computing and data management.

    Individuals with an interest in data analytics and a desire to work with cloud technologies.

    Business professionals aiming to understand and utilize data engineering for organizational growth.

    Anyone passionate about technology and eager to learn about cloud data engineering.

    job roles

    Job Roles


    Cloud Data Engineer

    Responsible for designing, building, and maintaining data pipelines and infrastructure on cloud platforms. One can become a Cloud Data Engineer after completing the Cloud Data Engineer course.


    Data Architect

    Tasked with designing and implementing data solutions, including data models and databases, in cloud environments. After completion of the Aws Data Engineering course, you can become a Data Architect.


    Big Data Engineer

    Specializes in managing and analyzing large volumes of data using cloud-based tools and technologies. Big Data Engineer is another best option after completing the Certified Data Engineer Course.


    Cloud Solutions Architect

    Designs and implements cloud-based solutions, including data storage, processing, and analytics components. One can become a Cloud Solutions Architect after completing the Cloud Data Engineer Course.


    Cloud Consultant

    Provides expert guidance and recommendations to organizations on implementing and optimizing cloud data engineering solutions. Cloud Consultant is another best option after completing the Certified Data Engineer Course.

    our faculties

    Web Development Instructor

    Raghwandra Singh

    Web Development Instructor

    Backend Developer & Trainer having profound knowledge in the field of Web Development.He has worked on multiple Web Projects & Trained over 500+ Candidates with an outstanding record of managing & training students.

    Career Services

    profile building profile building

    profile building

    We help in Creating & growing your professional profile that will make you stand out in the professional world.

    interview preparation

    We conduct multiple mock interview sessions with various tips & tricks that will make you habitual & confident in an interview environment.

    interview preparation interview preparation
    job placement job placement

    job placement

    Our dedicated team continuously works on finding & providing multiple opportunities for the students and provides 100% placement assistance.




    Achieving an AWS Data Engineer Certification is a significant milestone for individuals aspiring to excel in cloud data engineering.This certification validates the knowledge and skills acquired through rigorous training and practical experience in areas such as data storage, processing, and analysis using cloud-based tools and platforms. After Completing Our Cloud Data Engineer Course you will get You'll receive a certificate as a recognition of your accomplishment.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. What is the Cloud Data Engineer course about?

    Brillica Services Cloud Data Engineer course focuses on providing comprehensive training in cloud data engineering, equipping participants with the skills needed to excel in managing and analyzing data within cloud computing environments.

    2. Who can apply for the Certified Data Engineer course?

    Professionals looking to transition into cloud data engineering roles, graduates with a background in computer science or related fields, IT professionals seeking to enhance their skills in cloud computing and data management, individuals with an interest in data analytics and cloud technologies, business professionals aiming for organizational growth, and anyone passionate about technology and eager to learn about cloud data engineering can apply for the Cloud Data Engineer Course.

    3. What are the benefits of doing a Cloud Data Engineer course with Brillica Services?

    There are many benefits of doing a Cloud Data Engineer Course with Brillica Services like Enhanced career prospects, hands-on practical experience, industry-recognized certification, mastery of cloud technologies, staying ahead of the curve with the latest trends, and networking opportunities within a vibrant community of professionals.

    4. How does the Cloud Data Engineer Online Course work?

    The Cloud Data Engineer Online Course typically consists of pre-recorded video lectures, interactive exercises, quizzes, assignments, and discussion forums accessible through an online learning platform. Participants can access course materials at their convenience and progress through the curriculum at their own pace.

    5. What job roles can I pursue after completing the AWS Data Engineer course?

    You can explore various roles such as Cloud Data Engineer, Data Architect, Big Data Engineer, Cloud Solutions Architect, Cloud Consultant, and Data Scientist. These roles offer opportunities for growth and specialization in cloud data engineering and related fields.

    6. What does the Cloud Data Engineer course curriculum cover?

    The course curriculum includes modules on Linux fundamentals, network fundamentals, core Python, Git and Github, SQL, and more. These modules provide a comprehensive understanding of essential concepts and tools relevant to cloud data engineering.

    7. Is the Cloud Data Engineer course offered online or offline?

    Brillica Services offers both online and offline options for the Cloud Data Engineer course, providing flexibility and accessibility to learners. Whether you prefer self-paced online learning or interactive offline sessions, we have options to suit your preferences and schedule.

    8. Does Brillica Services Provide a Cloud Data Engineer Online Course?

    Yes, Brillica Services offers a comprehensive Cloud Data Engineer Online Course designed to equip individuals with the essential skills and knowledge needed to thrive in managing and analyzing data within cloud computing environments

    Cloud Data Engineer Course with Brillica Services

    2nd & 3rd Floor, Brillica Services, Shimla Bypass Rd, opp. Bank of India, PNB Vihar, Majra, Shewala Kala, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 248001